
Sabtu, 30 November 2013

My Dream Come True [Girls Generation World Tour "Girls&Peace" in Jakarta]


Sekarang saya bakal ceritain pengalaman saya pas nonton konser SNSD di jakarta 14 september lalu.  Sebenernya konser ini udah 2bulan lalu, tapi saya baru sempet nulis pengalamanya sekarang._. saya bakal ceritain dari awal pas ada nya rumor kalo mereka bakal ngadain konser di Jakarta. Tapi sebelumnya ini Cuma keinginan saya untuk berbagi pengalaman, bukan untuk pamer atau apapun itu. Mohon dimaklumin kalo ada beberapa typo:D

Meskipun tahun lalu saya udah liat SNSD di konser  SM Town tahun lalu, tapi kalo mereka ngadain konser solo disini dan saya gabisa nonton kan gaenak gitu. Masa kakak sendiri dateng ke tanah air sendiri saya gabisa ketemu /apa. Pas abis konser smtown banyak banget rumor yang bilang kalo SNSD bakal ke Jakarta buat ngadain konser solo. Awalnya ya kurang percaya dikit sih, tapi saya mulai nabung sedikit demi sedikit. Tapi tetep aja uang tabungannya kepake juga/? Nah udah agak lamaan rumor itu mulai ilang, eh tapi yang muncul malah kode kode dari promotor yang katanya bakal bawa SNSD ke Jakarta.

Jengjengjeng!! Saya makin excited sama kode-kode tersebut. Alhasil jadilah saya stalker sejatinya si promotor  [Dyandra Ent] karena ngestalk tl mantan udah mainstream, ya jadinya saya ngetalk tl promotor aja. Dan ternyata............ DyandraEnt beneran mau ngadain konser SNSD di Jakarta!! Awal-awalnya si emang cuma kode-kode doang, tapi kodenya jadi beneran/? Akhirnya DyandraEnt ngasih tau kapan akan di laksanain konser tersebut, dan disusul dengan seat plan&price list nya. Abis itu saya langsung nongkrong terus di tl nungguin Dyandra ngetweet. Dan ada akhirnya yang ditunggu muncul juga!! Dyandra ngetweet kayak gini  “confirmed GGWT “Girls&Peace” Sat, 14 September 2013 at MEIS-Ancol blablablabla” saya langsung teriak/?, kaki gemeteran, gabisa ngomong apa apa + bengong sebentar/? saya gapercaya sebentar lagi mimpi saya buat ketemu SNSD bakal jadi kenyataan.

Behubung hari-H nya abis lebaran, saya agak lega dikit nih karena bisa ngarepin uang thr. Beberapa hari kemudian Dyandra ngasih tau Seatplan& pricelist nya. Pas saya liat liat saya langsung lemes lagi /kebanyakan lemesnya/ saya pesimis duluan liat harga tiket Pink A. Dengan ngarepin uang tabungan pas-pasan + uang thr yang lumayan + melas sedikit ke ortu /jangan dicontoh!!/ akhirnya uang saya cukup buat beli tiket Pink A /peluk Luhan/. Eh sialnya pas hari-H tiket war, saya malah ga kebagian tiket Pink A /nangis dipelukan Luhan/ saya udah pesimis duluan tuh, tapi Luhan nyemangatin saya. Setelah saya nyari nyari di online shop yang jual tiket konser akhirnya saya dapet juga! Alhamdulilah, ternyata saya emang ditakdirkan buat ketemu sama 9orang kakak saya /apa. Nah setelah tenang dapetin tiket, saya malah gelisah nungguin hari-H /serba salah/ saya bakal nonton konser SNSD ini ber-5 bareng saudara saya. /skpi D-1 koser/

AKHIRNYA HARI YANG DITUNGGU DATANG JUGA!! Pas malem sabtu sebelum konser saya udah siapin semuanya. Pagi-pagi jam 5 saya bangun, mandi-sarapan-siap siap abis itu sekitar jam 7an langsung berangkat ke meis. Dua jam setengah kemudian kami sampe.

AAAAAAA AKHIRNYA SAMPE DI MEIS:D  suasananya rame bangeeetttttt!! Banyak fanboy bertebaran, tukang merchandise dimana-mana, banyak security keliling-liling/?

Begitu sampe di MEIS, saya langsung ketemuan sama orang yang jual tiketnya. HAAAAAAAA AKHIRNYA TIKET PINK A DITANGAN CUY!!!

Langsung deh saya berburu merchandise. Setelah puas cari merchandise langsung masuk ke gate1. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RAME BANGETTT!!! Udah pusing duluan liat antrian di gate1. Desek-desekan, panas, gerah, persediaan minum tinggal sedikit, kaki pegel-,- yaa tapi tetep berjuang demi ketemu sama kakak-kakak saya itu/prokprokprok/. Saya masuk ke antrian gate1 sekitar jam 11.30. pas lagi didalem antrian itu sangat membosankan. Beruntung di deket saya ada 4 orang SONE, 2 orang dari bandung dan 2 orang dari Thailand /kalo gaasalah/. Disitu kami ngobrol ngobrol sedikit, yaa meskipun yang ngobrol itu saudara saya bukan saya/? Ternyata fans luar itu bener-bener ramah. Si fans yang dari Thailand itu sedikit cerita tentang pengalaman dia nonton konser diberbagai negara, dia juga bilang kalo dia bawain hadiah buat Tiffany, entah akhirnya hadiah itu sampe ke tangan Tiffany atau enggak ya saya gatau._.v Untungnya karena ada 4orang fangirl itu antrian jadi gabegitu kerasa. Kurang lebih jam 3an kami baru berhasil lewatin gate1. Abis itu antri lagi di dalem mall nya. Gak begitu lama kami ngantri di dalem mall nya akhirnya saya bener bener ada di seat Pink A!! Perjuangan yang luar biasa/?
(sebelum masuk antrian gate1)

FINALLY!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaa akhirnya saya bener bener bisa ada disini, setelah berjuang dengan keras/? Pertama yang saya rasain pertaman kali masuk yaitu adem. Iya adem. Jangan tanya kenapa karena kalian pasti tau di Ancol itu panasnya kayak apa. Rasanya saya mau nangis, lebay? Maapin yak soalnya saya baru ngerasain pertaman kalinya bakal ada di pink ocean:”D

Setelah masuk, saya dan SONE yang ada di Pink A duduk bareng-bareng. Ya meskipun ada yang gak duduk. Selagi nunggu konser dimulai, kami ditemani dengan lagu lagu SNSD dan beberapa iklan. Seru banget rasanya nyanyi bareng bareng sama SONE yang ada disana:”D rasanya nunggu jam 16.30 itu lama banget-_- Setelah nunggu, nunggu, dan nunggu. Akhirnya.................jengjengeng
(di dalem venue)
Kita disuruh berdiri dan nyanyiin lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia, Indonesia Raya. Yang saya rasain waktu itu apaya... mungkin kaget. Iya kaget. Dengan bangga kami nyanyiin Indonesia Raya di Pink Ocean. Kemudian diem sebentar dan........


§ Kemuadian terdengar lagu Hoot. Keadaan mulai gak ke control. Apalagi pas snsd muncul dari tengah tengah stage berbentuk huruf Y itu. KEADAAN BERUBAH MENJADI RUSUH/? Semua pada dorong dorongan, desek-desekan, teriak teriakan. Sedikit kecewa sih, ya mungkin itu resiko nonton konser di bagian festival kaliya. Tapi gimana ya... kalo yang fanboy pada rusuh kan kasian yang fangirlnya kan. Saya mau kebelakang gabisa, mau maju kedepan gabisa, mau kesamping gabisa /nangis/ akhirnya saya kepisah pisah sama saudara saya.

§  Lagu kedua, animal. Lagu favorit!! Di lagu ini suasananya masih sama kayak lagu pertama. Seru banget pas part nya Yuri yang pada ngerangkak gitu waaww *-*

§  Lagu ketiga, the boys. Masih lagu favorit saya!! Dilagu ini fanchantnya bener-bener kompak. Saya mulai menggila dilagu ini. Udah gak peduli sama orang orang yang sempet nengok ke arah saya

§  Lagu keempat, I Got A Boy!! Saya rasa disini fanchant yang paling wow! Dan saya mulai menggila lagin pas partnya taeyeon yang “Ah nae wangjanim~~~~~” disitu pada teriak kenceng banget.

BAGIAN INTRO!!!!“Annyeong haseyo SoNyeoShiDae Imnida!! Hei we are Girls’ Generation” Disini gak kedengeran mereka ngomong apa soalnya pada teriak teriak. Yang saya inget Sunny ngomong “apa kalian tunggu kami?” sambil aegyo gitu:D terus Tiffany intro sambil bbuing bbuing gitu. pas mereka selesai intro kami semua angkat banner yang ada tulisan ‘ITS HYOurs AGAIN’ sambil nyanyi Happy Birthday buat Hyoyeon. Pertama mereka bingung kenapa pada teriak teriak nama Hyoyeon, tapi abis itu Sooyoung bilang nanti aja ya.

Sebelum lagu selanjutnya Sooyoung teriak “ARE YOU READY???!!! INDONESIA ARE YOU READY???!!!!” paling gabisa lupain pas Sooyoung ngomong kayak gitu:””””D

o   Lagu kelima, Say Yes. Disini para member pada pake properti alat make up raksasa gitu/? Sambil mencar di stage. Beruntungnya saya di Pink A karena Taeyon selalu berdiri disitu:”D di lagu Say Yes ini bener bener keliatan dorky nya mereka:D OMG!! KIM TAEYEON cantiknya bukan main!!
(Say Yes)

o   Lagu keenam Dancing Queen.Wajah mereka bener bener gak ada bedanya sama yang saya liat di video
(Dancing Queen)

Break dan pemutaran VTR

o   Mr. Taxi. mereka bawain dengan Korean Version

o   T.O.P. paling seru pas mereka mau jalan ke stage Y sambil ada boomerangnya gitu:D YoonYulHyo bener bener keliatan aura sexy-nya

o   Flower Power. Wajah Jessica pun bener bener keliatan dinginnya. TAPI TETEP CANTIK WAAAAAAW*-*


o   Paparazi di lagu ini mereka ada di dalem kotak gitu warna warni gitu

o   Reflection. Disini saya bisa melihat kaki Sooyoung dengan jelas

o   Run Devil Run. Di lagu ini fanchant nya juga seru banget. OMG ternyata kulitnya Yuri gak sehitam yang saya bayangkan


o   Promise. Di sini bener bener cantik semuaaa!! Apalagi Taeyeon waw*-*

o   Baby Baby (Ballad Version) menurut saya disini bagian yang paling mengharukan.. dan saya rasa pas lagu ini mungkin banyak yang nangis juga.. apalagi pas semua pada ngangkat banner yang ada tulisan “always by your side” paling tak terlupakan...dan disini saya bener bener gabisa nahan air mata, bukan karena fan event yang mengharukan. Tapi karena saya benar benar melihat idola saya, Kim Taeyeon:”D


o   I’m A Diamond. Lagi lagi pandangan saya tak bisa teralihkan dari Taeyeon

o   Express 999. YoonHyo!! Saya bisa melihat mereka dengan jelas
(Express 999)

o   Genie. Lagu yang paling ditunggu-tunggu!! Tapi sayangnya pas tiffany teriak “INDONESIA PUT IT BACK ON!” gak tertalu jelas...

o   The Great Escape. Tiffany’s eye smile. Ya, saya benar benar melihatnya!

o   Can’t Take My eyes Of You


o   My J. Disini saya pertama kalinya ngambil fancam dari awal konser dimulai

o   Kissing You / Way To Go. Lagu yang bener bener paling pengen saya denger secara langsung. Dilagu ini mereka lari larian keliling stage gitu/?

Yoona dan Sunny benar benar bisa saya lihat!

o   Gee. Lagu fenomenal mereka yang akhirnya udah saya denger dua kali secara langsung:D di lagu ini juga fanchant nya kompak. Apalagi pas di akhir lagu mereka nyanyiin ulang bagian reff bareng sama SONE. Seru banget pada teriak “NONONONONO!!” “OHOHOHOHOH!!” GEE GEE GEE GEE GEE” “OH YEAH!! “OH YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!”

o   Forever. Lagu yang bisa bikin nangis para sone kalo ngeliat langsung. Pas mereka nge bow gitu yang saya rasain apa ya.....terharu gitu liat mereka nge bow secara langsung:”) dan lagi lagi saya menangis ketika mendengar kagu ini

Break sebentar

Bagian encore.  Kami semua pada teriak “SO NYEO SHI DAE!!” sama “WE WANT MORE!! WE WANT MORE!!” sama satu lagi kalo ga salah “LETS GO SOSHI LETS GO!!”

o   Into The New World. Lagu favorit saya!!! Diawal lagu mereka bawain versi acapella. Merinding denger suaranya Taeyeon.

o   Oh! Disini fanchantnya juga seru bangeet!!!

o   Twinkle (Ot9) lagu terakhir...... mereka bawain lagu ini ber9. Semua pada gila gilaan disini. Bener bener keliatan dorky nya:D eonnie eonnie saya memang gila. pada ngelempar bola yang udah di tanda tanganin sama mereka. Tapi saya gadapet bola nya... yang dapet bener bener beruntung!!

Saya senang, sangat senang karena sepanjang konser saya bisa lihat beberapa moment member SNSD seperti TaeNy moment, JeTi moment, SooRi moment, SooNa moment dan yang lain.

Semua pada kasih fanservice dan mereka berulang ulang kali nge bow dan ngucapin terimakasih:”) yang paling saya inget sebelum mereka balik ke backstage Taeyeon ngasih flying kiss gitu:”D                                                                                   KONSER SELESAI!!!!:”) aduh sedih ya.....

Eh tapi cerita saya belum selesai, masih ada sedikit cerita lagi:Dv

Ceritanya pas saya keluar dari venue dan ketemu lagi sama saudara saya, kami gak langsung keluar dari mall. Kami lebih milih ngeborong minuman dan duduk duduk sebentar sambil foto-foto. Pas salah satu saudara saya lihat ke lantai bawah, ternyata banyak wartawan. Dia bilang gini “eh dibawah banyak wartawan, rapih rapih dulu yuk kali aja nanti diwawancara” saya pun nurut sama apa yang dia omongin. Pas kami turun kebawah.....ternyata benar kata saudara saya. Dua orang wartawan dari stasiun tv yang berbeda mendekat dan meminta kami untuk di wawancarai! Akhirnya dengan tampang kucel, keringetan kami mengikuti wartawan tersebut.

Setelah di lontar kan beberapa pertanyaan seperti “sudah berapa lama jadi fans snsd?” “apa yang dipersiapkan sebelum nonton konser?” “bagaimana perasaannya?” “bagaimana susana saat konser?” ya kira kira seperti itu lah pertanyaannya.

Setelah itu kami keluar mall, jalan kaki sampai Bandar jakarta sambil hujan hujanan. Dan baru sampai dirumah jam 1 malam:”)

Benar-benar pengalaman yang paling uar biasa dan berharga. Saya sangat berterimakasih ke pda sang promotor karena mau membawa snsd ke jakarta. Terimakasih kepada para member karena dengan senang hati mau datang ke jakarta. Ini benar benar pengalaman yang tak terupakan bagi saya.                                                                                                                        

Huaaaaa akhirnya selesai juga cerita saya disini. Maaf kalo ada kata-kata yang kurang berkenan dihati para readers/? Maaf juga kalo fotonya cuma sedikit, itu juga fotonya hasil capture'an dari fancam. Terimakasih untuk para readers yang mau menyempatkan untuk membaca pengalaman saya ini^^ /bow/

Selasa, 26 November 2013

Sunny and Seohyun Attend MCM’s 2014 S/S ‘Flower Boys in Paradise’ Fashion Show


On November 26th, MCM held their 2014 S/S ‘Flower Boys in Paradise’ fashion show in Lotte Hotel, Seoul. Sunny and Seohyun from Girls’ Generation attended this event. They looked absolutely stunning wearing their one piece black dress with matching black high heels.
There were many other artists who attended the show, such as Lee Soohyuk, Jay Park, Roh Jihoon, SHINee, Kim Wonjoong, Sung Hoon and CNU.

Sources: Will TV Live Stream, SBS NewsNewsenMyDaily, UPnews, Asiae, eTV, starN News, Sports Chosun, Star News, dongA, Topstarnews, Soshified.com

Yuri Attends ’34th Blue Dragon Film Awards’

On November 22nd, Yuri attended the “34th Blue Dragon Film Awards” at Kyunghee University’s Hall of Peace. Presented by Sports Chosun, the annual awards ceremony celebrates excellence in film in South Korea.
Yuri arrived looking absolutely stunning with a elegant dark blue gown. She took the stage to present the “Most Popular Film” award alongside Johannes Thammer, the managing director of South Korean operations for Audi Korea at Volkswagen AG.
2AM’s Seulong posted a photo of Yuri, MBLAQ’s Lee Joon, and himself on his Instagram account. The three idol actors took the photo together while all doing a V-sign pose.
check out more pictures from the “34th Blue Dragon Film Awards” below as well as photos posted by Girls’ Generation’s Facebook page.

Sources: Sports Chosun, 2among@Instagram.com, soneHD57@YouTube.com, GirlsGeneration@Facebook.com, Soshified.com

Girls’ Generation Wins ‘Best Female Group’ at the ’2013 Mnet Asian Music Awards’


Update from November 24th, 2013:
Girls’ Generation’s official Facebook page posted three photos of Hyoyeon and Seohyun at the “2013 Mnet Asian Music Awards”.

At this year’s “Mnet Asian Music Awards”, Girls’ Generation received the award for “Best Female Group”. Hyoyeon and Seohyun were in attendance at the awards ceremony, which was held at the Hong Kong AsiaWorld-Expo. During their acceptance speech, Seohyun thanked her members, Lee Sooman, BeatBurger’s Shim Jaewon, and others for helping Girls’ Generation along the way. And of course, she thanked the SONEs from all over the world who have sent the girls love and support.
Later, Jaewon posted a photo on his Instagram account, posing with Hyoyeon and Seohyun after the awards ceremony.
Before taking off to Hong Kong, Seohyun tweeted a photo of Hyoyeon and herself. Hyoyeon and Seohyun flew to Hong Kong the day of the awards ceremony and traveled back to Seoul following the event.

Taeyeon to Feature in Kim Bumsoo’s Year-End Concert for a Duet of ‘Man and Woman’

  On November 23rd, Taeyeon will appear as a special guest in Kim Bumsoo’s year-end concert for a duet of “Man and Woman”. Taeyeon and Kim Bumsoo previously sang “Man and Woman” on Taeyeon’s Chinchin radio in 2009. The two also later collaborated for a digital single in 2011 titled “Different“.

As a teaser for her guest appearance in Kim Bumsoo’s concert, Taeyeon posted a photo earlier today on her Instagram showing the lyrics of “Man and Woman”. Her hashtags for the photo are the title of the song and “Kim Bumsoo Concert”.

Sources: Sports Donga, Taeyeon’s Instagram, datastation2@YouTube.com, Soshified.com

Girls’ Generation to Perform for ‘SMTOWN Week’

smtown week

Girls’ Generation’s December 22nd solo concert will be called, “SMTOWN WEEK GIRLS’ GENERATION – Marchen Fantasy”. The concert will have a fairytale-like visual theme, with lots of different stages and showy video effects.
A special event will also be held. The girls will be performing “Gee”, “The Boys”, and others, along with some classic Christmas carols. The members have also prepared individual performances.

SM Entertainment tweeted a photo of the seating plan for Girls’ Generation’s solo concert for “SMTOWN Week”, which will take place on December 22nd. Check out the photo below.
smtown week seating plan
Original article from November 11th, 2013:
SM Entertainment announced that its stars will perform for the first ever “SMTOWN Week”. From December 21st to the 29th, SM Entertainment’s various groups will perform on each day at the Korea International Exhibition Center for their fans. SHINee will be the first to take the stage on December 21st. Girls’ Generation will hold their own concert on December 22nd at 8:00 PM KST. f(x) and EXO will perform together on the 24th and 25th, and following them will be TVXQ! for the next two days. Super Junior will be the last group to perform for “SMTOWN Week”, with concerts on the 28th and 29th.
Visit SMTOWN Travel for more information on available global packages for international fans. Gmarket is also selling tickets for “SMTOWN Week”.
Sources: SMTOWNGLOBAL@Twitter.com 1, SMTOWNGLOBAL@Twitter.com 2, SMTOWN.com, Soshified.com

Girls’ Generation to Release Third Japanese Album, ‘LOVE&PEACE’, on December 11th

  Update from November 21st, 2013:
Girls’ Generation’s Japanese fansite has revealed that the group’s third full length Japanese album will be titled “LOVE&PEACE”. The album’s tracklist will consist of twelve songs:
1. Gossip Girls
2. motorcycle
6. Beep Beep
7. My oh My
10. Karma Butterfly
11. Lingua Franca
12. Everyday Love

“GALAXY SUPERNOVA”, “LOVE&GIRLS”, “Beep Beep”, “DO THE CATWALK”, and “Lingua Franca” have previously been released on Girls’ Generation’s recent Japanese singles. Girls’ Generation has also already released the “My oh My” music video and track through iTunes Japan.
Original article from October 25th, 2013:

Girls’ Generation’s Japanese fansite has announced that Girls’ Generation’s third album will be released on December 11th. The title of the album has yet to be determined. The album will come in four editions, with each edition containing the same twelve songs, including “LOVE&GIRLS” and “GALAXY SUPERNOVA”. The four editions will also feature three different album covers, with the Blu-ray limited edition and DVD limited edition sharing the same cover.

Complete Limited Edition (CD & Blu-ray) - 7,500 yen
• Twelve songs
• 3-sided case
• Album cover A
• 40 page photobook with solo cuts
• Pin badges – nine members
• Solo cuts original design posters – nine members (folded)
• Blu-ray content:
1. “Beep Beep” Music Video
2. “LOVE&GIRLS” Music Video
4. “My oh My” Music Video
5. Making of “GALAXY SUPERNOVA” Music Video
6. Making of “My oh My” Music Video
7. Japan Third Album Photo Shoot
Pre-order from: Amazon Japan, CDJapan, YesAsia
Blu-ray Limited Edition (CD & Blu-ray) - 4,990 yen
• Twelve songs
• Digipak
• Album cover B
• Photobook with solo cuts (it is unclear if this photobook will be the same as the one included in the Complete Limited Edition)
• Blu-ray content:
1. “Beep Beep” Music Video
2. “LOVE&GIRLS” Music Video
3. “LOVE&GIRLS” Dance Version Music Video
5. “GALAXY SUPERNOVA” Dance Version Music Video
6. “My oh My” Music Video
Pre-order from: Amazon Japan, CDJapan, YesAsia
DVD Limited Edition (CD & DVD) – 3,990 yen
• Twelve songs
• Digipak
• Album cover B
• Photobook with solo cuts (it is unclear if this photobook will be the same as the one included in the Complete Limited Edition)
• DVD content:
1. “Beep Beep” Music Video
2. “LOVE&GIRLS” Music Video
3. “LOVE&GIRLS” Dance Version Music Video
5. “GALAXY SUPERNOVA” Dance Version Music Video
6. “My oh My” Music Video
Pre-order from: Amazon Japan, CDJapan, YesAsia
Regular Edition (CD) - 3,059 yen
• Twelve songs
• Album cover C
Pre-order from: Amazon Japan, CDJapan, YesAsia
Source: sonejapan, soshified.com

Seohyun Donates 100 Million Won to Dongguk University

  During donation ceremony, Seohyun and Dongguk University staff spoke about Seohyun’s decision to donate to the school.
Chancellor Kim Heeok said, “Seohyun, who is a very good role model in school, donated a large amount to her juniors.”
Seohyun explained, “I learned many things while studying at Dongguk. I wished to be of help to students who have a big dream, and yet don’t have a choice but to give up education because of family matters.”
In addition, when asked which class left the deepest impression on her, Seohyun answered, “The Japanese language course was the most fun class of all, and I learned a lot in the classic literature seminar lectures.”
Theater professor Shin Youngsub said, “Seohyun interacted with her friends on a regular basis. She showed her intent to donate since sophomore year, after seeing students with poor families. However, she followed advice suggesting that she donate in her senior year, and here she is today.”
Finally, the professor revealed that Seohyun had intended for her donation to be private and that she felt burdened that it was revealed to the media and public. However, he believed that the donation should be publicized so that Seohyun could encourage other graduates to lead their juniors to a better future.
Original article from November 19th, 2013:
On November 19th, Seohyun attended an annual donation ceremony at Dongguk University, her alma mater. Showing her gratitude to the university and infinite generosity, Seohyun donated 100 million won to the school.
Dongguk University holds fundraising events annually to raise money for scholarships, to invite outstanding professors to teach students, and to improve the school’s facilities and study environment.
Yoona and Seohyun are both students of Dongguk University. Yoona enrolled at Dongguk University in 2009, and Seohyun began attending the school in 2010. Both are currently majoring in theater.

Sources: asiae, fnnews, MK, MT, mydaily, Segye, Sports Donga, Sports Seoul, TVReport, Dongguk University, CNTLU@YouTube.com

‘NYLON’ Magazine Features Sunny for a Christmas Photoshoot with Feltics


Sunny was recently featured in “NYLON” magazine for a Christmas photoshoot with casual street brand Feltics. In the photoshoot, Sunny can be seen wearing winter apparel from Feltics while making cute expressions for the camera.

 “NYLON TV” also released a video of Sunny from the photoshoot. Sunny begins the clip by greeting viewers of “NYLON TV” and gave her thoughts on the photoshoot, saying, “It was fun. I think that’s most important, having fun doing the photoshoot, and I think you all will enjoy watching it.”
Sunny also recommended padding jumpers with comfortable, light bottoms as her winter styling tip, saying, “So that you’re warm, I want to recommend padding jumpers. Nowadays, padding jumpers are pretty, coming out in various colors.” Sunny then wished viewers a happy and enjoyable winter, concluding, “Thank you for watching Girls’ Generation’s Sunny’s photoshoot. I think Girls’ Generation and Sunny will be able to meet with you all soon with a better appearance. There are a lot of concerts prepared for Girls’ Generation as well, so please look forward to it, and look for us a lot. Have a happy and warm winter.”
Check out “NYLON TV”‘s video of Sunny’s photoshoot below.

Finally, Feltics has updated its website with a page listing the clothing items seen in Sunny’s photoshoot and links to purchase them.
Sources: “NYLON” Magazine, je-kwon, Segye, NYLONTVKOREA@YouTube.com, Feltics, Soshified.com

Rabu, 13 November 2013

Girls’ Generation Performs at KBS’s ‘Open Concert’

Girls' Generation
Girls’ Generation performed for the KBS “Open Concert” 1000th episode on October 29th. The 60-minute broadcast was aired on KBS1 on November 10th and featured various music genres, from K-Pop to jazz. Other performers at the concert included Sonya, Kim Taewoo, 2NE1, and Ali.
Girls’ Generation performed “I Got A Boy” and “Dancing Queen” as part of the program. For the opening of their performance, they entered on stage with a remixed introduction of “I Got A Boy”. The girls looked stunning in the black-and-yellow outfits they’ve showcased previously during their “I Got A Boy” promotions. After their first song, Sooyoung briefly talked to the audience and then introduced their next performance, “Dancing Queen”.
Source: Jamiee515@YouTube.com, Soshified.com

Girls’ Generation’s World Tour Holds Concerts in Hong Kong

On November 9th and 10th, Girls’ Generation performed in Hong Kong for their “2013 Girls’ Generation’s World Tour – Girls & Peace”. It was reported that 22,000 fans were in attendance to enjoy the girls’ spectacular performances.
Before the concerts, Hyoyeon posted two photos of herself enjoying her night in Hong Kong.
Girls’ Generation’s World Tour Holds Concerts in Hong Kong
Posted by kt9823 on November 13th, 2013
On November 9th and 10th, Girls’ Generation performed in Hong Kong for their “2013 Girls’ Generation’s World Tour – Girls & Peace”. It was reported that 22,000 fans were in attendance to enjoy the girls’ spectacular performances.
Before the concerts, Hyoyeon posted two photos of herself enjoying her night in Hong Kong.

Once November 9th came, the nine ladies took the stage with their usual amazing setlist that included hits such as “I Got A Boy”, “Gee”, “Baby Baby”, “Oh!”, “Into The New World”, “PAPARAZZI”, and many more. To go along with the performances, fans joined in on the fun, organizing a number of fan events for the girls to enjoy during the concerts. Just to name a few, during the first concert, SONEs held up signs that said, “My GG”, and later brought out the same posters again, this time flipping them over to reveal various childhood photos of the Girls’ Generation members on the other side. For the November 10th concert, fans held up pink and white banners that read, “We will protect you forever”, giving the girls a touching and emotional moment to remember. The ladies surely enjoyed each and every special event, which also included a number of songs which the ladies and fans sang together. And of course, the pink ocean lit up the concert venue. The childhood photos inspired Sooyoung, who later posted on Girls’ Generation’s official website with photos of “Young Sooyoung”.
Girls’ Generation’s official Twitter account tweeted a photo of Taeyeon backstage enjoying the cotton candy machine SONEs gave to the girls. Sunny and Seohyun also took to social media to express their happiness with their time in Hong Kong. Taeyeon later posted a video of herself enjoying the cotton candy machine on her Instagram account. In the short clip, she is finishes making her sweet treat before trying some of it out.
Hong Kong was the last scheduled 2013 stop for Girls’ Generation’s world tour. The next stop will be in Bangkok, Thailand on January 11th, 2014. Meanwhile, Girls’ Generation is set to perform for “SMTOWN Week” on December 22nd. Check out SM Entertainment’s photos from the world tour stop in Hong Kong below.

Sources: NATE, GirlsGeneration@Twitter.com, Sunny’s Instagram Account, Seohyun’s Twitter Account, GirlsGeneration@Facebook.com, Girls’ Generation’s Official Website, Taeyeon’s Instagram, Hyoyeon’s Instagram, Soshified.com